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Folio Charting
Folio Charting

How does Folio charting & pricing work?

Updated over a month ago

Initial Folio Value

Starting Point: A minimum $100 investment is required to use the Folio tool.

Allocation of Funds: Your initial investment is divided among the securities in your Folio based on your chosen weighting strategy.

Number of Shares: We calculate how many shares of each stock you can purchase with the allocated funds using the closing prices on the date you fund your Folio.

Calculating Folio Value Over Time

Folio Value Updates: The value of your Folio is updated on an intra-daily basis, according to the market price fluctuations of the stocks it contains. The number of shares of each stock is multiplied by their price to derive the total Folio value.

Rebalancing Impact: Quarterly rebalancing adjusts the number of shares to maintain your chosen weighting strategy, which affects the Folio's value moving forward. Please note that rebalancing may lead to a taxable event. View the rebalancing schedule, here.

Data Sources

Uninvested Folios and Back-Testing

Market Data Source: Uninvested Folios and those being back-tested use data supplied by Morningstar.

Data Delay: Pricing data from Morningstar is delayed by at least 15 minutes.

Disclaimer: Market data is supplied by Morningstar and is delayed by at least 15 minutes. Pricing data is sourced from Morningstar. OPTO does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Users are encouraged to check independent sources before executing orders if decisions to enter orders, or the amount of orders, are materially impacted by such information, or your particular risk tolerance or investment objective. All investments in individual securities bear a risk of loss, and past performance is not an indicator or promise of future performance.

What is a Backtest?

A backtest is an interactive tool that simulates how a hypothetical investment strategy performed in the past using historical data. It's important to know how they differ from investing . Backtests are based on past performance and are not an indicator or a guarantee of future performance.

Key Points to Understand

Hypothetical Nature: All backtest results are based on a hypothetical investment strategy (i.e.: univested Folio). The past performance of backtest is not indicative of future performance.

Past Performance: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Historical Data: Backtests show how a hypothetical investment strategy performed historically under specific market conditions and are not to be interpreted as financial or investment advice or recommendations for .

Variability: Results may vary with each use and over time.

Universe of Investments: This universe of assets that are available for backtesting includes the stocks and ETFs that OPTO users may invest in, which are the fractionable stocks your brokerage provider, Alpaca Markets, offers.

Many factors, including economic factors, market conditions, and investment strategies should be considered when evaluating the potential performance of a portfolio. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Invested Folios and Investing

Market Data Source: When you proceed to invest in a Folio, pricing data in the order ticket and onwards is sourced from Alpaca Markets.

Pricing Information:

Market data is supplied by Alpaca Markets.

Investing pricing data is sourced from Alpaca Securities LLC. OPTO does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Users are encouraged to check independent sources before investing and placing orders if decisions to enter orders, or the amount of orders, are materially impacted by such information, or your particular risk tolerance or investment objective. All investments in securities bear a risk of loss, and past performance is not an indicator or promise of future performance.

Be advised that the price displayed on the Buy/Sell ticket is based on the last trade price reported from the IEX exchange, and may not reflect a real-time price. There may be intervening market movements between the last price displayed on the IEX exchange and the current market which may negatively impact the price at which your order is executes. The execution price of your order may differ from the price displayed on the Buy/Sell ticket. All orders are executed through your broker, Alpaca Securities LLC, which is obligated to provide best execution consistent with the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO). You can view the actual execution price in the order confirmation sent to your email.

How Are Folio Charts Generated?

Back-Testing and Live Data

Back-Testing: Before finalizing your Folio, you can back-test its performance over multiple timeframes (including 5-day, 1-month, 6-months, YTD, 1-year, 5-year). This simulates how your Folio performed in the past, including quarterly rebalances.

Live Charting for Uninvested Folios: Once you save your Folio as an uninvested Folio, live charting begins. You'll see both the back-tested data and live performance from the day you saved it.

Invested Folios: When you invest in your Folio, the chart resets to reflect your investment's inception date, showing performance from that point forward.

Chart Timeframes and Data Intervals

Our charts can display your Folio's performance over various timeframes, with data points appropriate for each period:

Intraday Intervals (Every 15 minutes):

1 Day Chart: Performance over the past day.

5 Day Chart: Performance over the past five days.

Daily Intervals:

3 Month Chart: Daily performance over the past three months.

6 Month Chart: Daily performance over the past six months.

Year-to-Date (YTD) Chart: Daily performance from the start of the current year to today.

Weekly Intervals:

1 Year Chart: Weekly performance over the past year.

Monthly Intervals:

5 Year Chart: Monthly performance over the past five years.

Rebalancing and Weighting Strategies

Weighting Strategies

Equal Weighted: Each stock has the same proportion in your Folio.

Market Cap Weighted: Stocks are weighted based on their market capitalization—the total market value of all their outstanding shares.

Quarterly Rebalancing

Purpose: Rebalancing realigns your Folio holdings to match your chosen weighting strategy, as stock prices can shift the proportions of holdings within your Folio over time.

Effect on Charts: New weights from rebalancing apply only from the date of rebalance onward. Historical data remains unchanged, reflecting the weights that were in place at that time.

Example Scenarios

1. Creating a Folio and Viewing Back-Tested Performance


You create a Folio with Apple [AAPL], Microsoft [MSFT], and Google [GOOG], choosing an equal-weighted strategy.

You back-test the Folio over the past year.

What You See:

Back-Tested Chart: Shows how the Folio would have performed over the past year based on historical performance data, including quarterly rebalances to maintain equal weighting.

Live Data Upon Saving: When you save the uninvested Folio, live charting starts, displaying both back-tested and live performance from the save date.

2. Transition from Uninvested Folio to Invested Folio


You save an uninvested Folio on July 1. You invest in the Folio on July 10.

What You See:

Uninvested Stage: From July 1 to July 10, the chart shows back-tested and live performance.

Invested Stage: Upon investing, the chart resets to July 10, the inception date of your investment, and tracks performance from there.

3. Rebalancing Effects on Your Folio


Your Folio undergoes a quarterly rebalance on August 1, in line with our preset rebalance schedule available here.

What You See:

Before August 1:The chart reflects the Folio's performance with the previous weights.

From August 1 Onward: The chart updates to show performance based on the new weights of your holdings resulting from rebalancing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens if I change the stocks in my Folio?

A: If you update your Folio by adding or removing stocks, the historical performance is preserved based on the previous Folio’s composition. From the date of the change onward, the ongoing performance is calculated using the updated Folio holdings. This means your chart will show historical data for the old composition up until the change date, and then reflect the new composition moving forward.

Q: Can I see how my Folio would have performed with different weighting strategies?

A: Yes, during the back-testing phase, you can switch between equal weighting and market-cap weighting to compare past performance before finalizing your Folio.

Q: How does rebalancing affect my investment?

A: Rebalancing adjusts the number of shares to maintain your chosen weighting strategy, which may result in buying or selling certain stocks within your Folio.

This helps keep your investment aligned with your original strategy over time.

Please note that rebalancing is automatic and follows a preset rebalance schedule available here. You can opt out of automatic rebalancing; this will permanently deactivate rebalancing, but you can always choose to reactivate this feature through the app or to opt for manual rebalancing. Rebalancing may lead to a taxable event.

Q: Will I incur fees during rebalancing?

A: No, you will not incur trading fees as a result of rebalancing. Rebalancing is performed automatically to maintain your chosen weighting strategy without any additional costs to you.

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